Our Learning Environment
We have a large inside classroom and a well equipped outdoor space. The continuous provision (activities provided for your child) are planned by our pre school manager and Early Years Lead.
Outdoor provision
Our children have access to our outside area during both morning and afternoon sessions. We have a well resourced outside area. Adults support children to develop their skills through a range of different activities.
Continuous Provision
Our provision is carefully planned to meet the needs of the children in our pre school.
Provision for two year olds
We have a designated area for our two year olds. This is a cosy area provided with blankets and cushions if our children need to rest. We also provide treasure basket resources, puzzles and toys that appeal to our youngest children.
Provision for 3-4 year olds
We provide a range of activities for our older children to prepare them for their transition to school. The children take part in adult guided activities throughout the day. These include maths, phonics and early writing activities.