Year 4
Here you can find out the curriculum expectations for Year 4 and learn about what they will be doing this term.
- Year 4 Marlin Class with Miss Guilfoyle
- Year 4 Swordfish Class with Mr Buck
In Year 4 at Leighton, children are encouraged to build upon the skills they have been taught in the lower years and apply this to new elements of their learning in Year 4. Learning is exciting, varied and hands-on whenever possible, and is based around a topic each term to broaden children’s knowledge of the wider world. Details of what we intend to cover are listed below.
Autumn Term 2021
We will be spending time settling the children back into school after their long period of home learning. We will start with lots of PSHE work and mindfulness to ensure that children have strategies for coping with the increased pressure to their mental health which they might be experiencing because of the pandemic. The priority will be to make sure children are happy in school.
Our main topics in the first half term will be The Romans in History, and Categorising Living Things in Science. Our Art will be focusing on abstract painting, with Mondrian as our chosen artist. In English we will be focusing first on getting the children back into good writing habits, such as using correct spelling and punctuation, before moving on to developing more complex sentences and description. Some of this work will be connected to the Gladiator Boy books by David Grimstone, who is our author of the half term. We will also be doing information texts relating to The Romans. The children will be continuing to learn French. In Maths we will be revising Year 3 work and looking at 4-digit place value, and more complex addition and subtraction.
In the second half term we will be doing Electricity in Science, and learning about Volcanoes and Earthquakes in Geography. In Maths we will be focusing mainly on multiplication and division. Our R.E. topic will be looking at Sikhism.