Children working at home
Dear parents, carers and children,
If your child is working from home, we are still here to help them with their learning. There are some ideas on this page of ways to support your child while they are at home, so they can continue their education.
Daily Activities. Try each day to get your child to do the following things each day:
1: read for at least 15 minutes.
2: handwriting: if they don't have their pen license, then practise handwriting for at least 10 minutes a day.
3: Writing: make sure that each day your child does some writing. It doesn't matter what they are writing about.
4: 10 minutes of practising their target times table, and when they know it by heart, move on to the next times table.
5: phonics: If your child is reading book band 7 or below, it is important that they work for a few minutes at least 3 times a week on phonics (see below).
Main learning focus for each day. Then also have at least one learning focus for each day. We will be listing these below each week. This will try to cover all areas of the curriculum that your child would have been learning if they were in school, but in ways that it can be done at home. Please just try your best with these: you will find out things that work better and less well for your child, and do what you can! We understand that you will have lots of other pressures on your time. Please email us to ask for advice when things are not going well, or to celebrate successes.
1: Reading. The most important thing is for your child to continue reading books at their level, and books that they enjoy. If you run out of books at your child's level, then you can register for free on the link below for access to online books. You can then choose books at your child's book band level. Go to the 'Books' tab at the top of the page, and then click on ebook library. Click on 'ebooks library', then 'levels', then Book Band, then choose your child's book band colour or level.
If you have a library card for Peterborough library services (Vivacity), then there is a free app called Borrow Box, which you can sign up for using your library membership card. You can then download books and audiobooks for free. Go to the Vivacity Peterborough site and search for Borrow Box. There is a green icon box to click on.
2: Handwriting. Use a piece of lined paper, or the school can provide you with paper with handwriting guide-lines. Watch closely that your child is starting each letter in the correct place (the top of each letter, except e and d, which
start in the middle) and then going around each letter in the correct direction (especially going around o,a, d and g anti-clockwise). Common errors are starting m, n and r at the bottom,not the top. Some children may be working on joining their letters. If you spot errors in joins or letter formation, then practice the letter or join on its own and then in words. It is usually best to do a whole line of one word so that it is practised many times.
3: Writing. Your child could write a diary each day about their day. They could write an information text about something they are interested in (after finding out some information on websites) and organise their writing into sub-headings. They could invent their own story, discussing their ideas and telling the story first and then writing it down. Or they could retell the story of a film or TV programme that they have watched.
Persuasive adverts. Can your child try to persuade you (speaking first) to get a pet of their choice? To challenge them more, can they persuade you to buy a pet crocodile, or a pet earwig? Can they come up with good reasons to support their argument (e.g. the crocodile might scare off burglars). Then once they have said their advert, can they write it? To help them with ideas and how to structure the text, there is an example below.
4: Maths.
Times tables. Your child should have a times table practice book at home. This is a really good way for your child to learn their times tables. They should have a target times table which they are learning at the moment. Also encourage them to play TT Rockstars, which can be accessed on the following link.
Your child has a user name, which is their first name and then the first letter of their last name (no gaps).
Their password is orange1 (orange, followed by a number which they should know.) The school postcode is PE2 5PL.
If you have forgotten your child's password or username, then email your child's class teacher and we can send you the login details.
5: Phonics.
If your child is reading Book Band level 7 or below, then it is really important to work at their phonics. Below are some online links which have lots of games and activities to practise using phonics skills. (Lots of E-Books) |
Main learning focus for the day:
1: Learn to tell the time on an analogue clock (one with hands) and a digital clock. Games and videos to help with this can be found on the BBC bitesize site at the following link. This will need to be built up each day over a week.
2: Find out about Cleopatra, the last Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh. Below is a really good website containing lots of information about Ancient Egypt at a good level for Year 3 children.
Other useful learning links.
Maths: The website below is White Rose Maths, which we use a lot during our Maths teaching. The link will take you to the information about our Fractions work which we will begin shortly. Other Maths work can be accessed from searching for White Rose Maths, and then clicking on Resources, Primary SOL, Year 3.
Attached are also mock test papers. The Autumn term ones will help your child to revise work from the start of Year 3 and the Mid Year ones cover what we have been learning since Christmas. Your child may need support with fractions as we haven't had a chance to teach this yet. Please use these questions to give you an idea of other questions you could create for your child when home schooling.
Science: If you are stuck for some fun and practical science activites, they have some great ideas on here.