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Early Help Assessment

Leighton Primary School works alongside the Early Help Team at Peterborough City Council to complete an Early Help Assessment (previously Common Assessment Form). This assessment focuses on families who have either requested support from outside agencies, or those who have been recommended to us by Children's Social Care.

The purpose of an Early Help Assessment is to enable multi agency support for families, based around a variety of needs. Early Help can be provided for a child, young person or family who may have additional needs that cannot be met by universal provision, and there is perceived to be no risk of significant harm.

The Early Help Assessment allows for families to access resources such as Family Support Workers, Children's Mental Health, School Nursing Team and many more. If a family feels that they would benefit from this support, they should make an appointment to meet with Mrs Aubert to discuss further. 

We currently have two staff members that are trained to lead on the Early Help assessments

  • Vicky Geldart - Assistant Headteacher
  • Kirsten Bilby - SENDCO

Once a decision is made to go ahead with a EHA for your child then you will be allocated a lead member of staff to work through the process with you.