Peterborough SEND Information Hub (Local offer)
Our practitioners are very experienced with working with children with SEND. Our Pre school Manager holds the Level 3 Early years SENDCo Coordinator qualification and has a varied experience of working with children with additional needs .
We can refer children to Speech and language therapists, Occupational Therapist, Autism outreach department and early years specialists.
SEND is everyone's business. We work with parents in a partnership to support children with additional needs .
Early intervention is key . When your child joins us between the age of 2 years and 3 years old we will provide you with a 2 year old progress check. This will give you a brief summary of your child's progress and any support that we have put in place to support your child. It will also provide ideas for how you can continue this support at home .
We will also do a baseline assessment using a programme called Wellcomm which will assess where your child is in terms of speech and language development. We have found this is an area that can affect all aspects of your child's development.
We offer various workshops and informal conversations about your child and signpost you to support from the Early years team at our local authority .