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Year 6


A huge welcome back to all the children in year 6; we all look forward to an enjoyable and successful
term. Year 6 is an important stage in your child’s education as they master and perfect the skills
taught at primary school in preparation to move onto the secondary stage of their education.

During the Autumn Term, year 6 will be studying the impact of war on the world, in particular, World
War One. We will take a thought-provoking journey back in history during our foundation lessons to
learn all about the Great War and how it changed the lives of millions of people across the globe.
Children will discover how European empires, who were all vying for supremacy, came to war at the
beginning of the 20 th  Century. How did the assassination of an Archduke trigger the outbreak of war?
What technological advances were made as a result of war? Why were women so vital to the war
effort? Why did the end of the First World War lead towards the Second World War? A selection of
the intriguing questions that the children will seek the answers to this term.

In English lessons, the children will continue to enhance their understanding of the writing techniques
learnt in Year 5 and apply the rules of English grammar to write creative, entertaining and informative
texts across a range of genres. We will begin the year focusing on narrative - writing to entertain -
through 1 st and 3 rd person writing. The children will create their own narratives which will enable them
to demonstrate an array of writing skills to entertain the reader. We teach and model 'The 5 Step
Writing Process' to ensure children are truly engaged with the art and craft of writing. Spelling is
taught via investigations alongside application activities to reinforce spelling patterns and rules.
Reading lessons will cover the skills and strategies needed to be successful reader -the ability to
comprehend and enjoy their reading. We encourage all children to read and have committed to a
daily reading pledge. Each class will have a class read that is changed each half term. This is coupled
with reading across all subjects of the curriculum.

The focus in maths will be to reinforce the children’s understanding of the main concepts of number
and applying these to more complex problems which require reasoning skills to solve. Children will
regularly practice the key arithmetic that are so vital to mathematical understanding. Weekly quizzes
will enable critical knowledge to become embedded in our children’s daily mathematical
understanding and application. A main area of teaching will concentrate on children learning to reason
and explain their answers. In maths lessons, children will investigate the relationship between
numbers, in particular place value. As the term progresses, the children will begin to learn more about
Fractions; including: how to add, subtract and multiply fractions alongside finding fractions of
amounts. It is important that children recognise the links between fractions, decimals and
percentages; therefore, this will also a feature of upcoming maths lessons.

Our Science topics are Light and Electricity for the Autumn term. The science curriculum has two
main areas: knowledge and working scientifically. Therefore, the children will learn all the facts and
figures related to both areas and have opportunities to apply this knowledge to a range of
investigations and experiments. After half term, the year 6s will have a science workshop led by staff
from Cambridge University.

As ever, we endeavour to ensure all children make progress and are best prepared for their transition
to secondary schools. Support and resources are used to ensure all children have a positive learning

Parents and carers, we really appreciate all your support in ensuring the Year 6s have a wonderful
last year at Leighton Primary School. Any questions, please do get in touch with the Year 6 team.